Ethan Radcliff has been writing stories since he was a kid. He loves creating and tried his hand at art, but felt he wasn’t good enough. Through high school he wrote erotic stories, kept them in a notebook and let a few of his girlfriends read them. He then began writing poetry, which he kept to himself, because most of his poems were based on erotica. His brain never stopped. He became serious about writing erotic romance stories a few years ago and wondered how hard it would be to break through the barrier as a male erotic romance writer.
He delved into the world of BDSM and took a personal journey through the lifestyle, which aided in his writing.
He’d been a face book user for years. He never saw anything interesting until he began to see all the writers and then some poets posting their erotic prose. Men who were writing erotic romance began to crop up. He watched and then began to post a few poems here and there. The response was good and then better. He was being noticed.
He can see a picture and write a poem. He can see an attractive women and conger up a sexy scenario. The jiggle of a full ass or heavy breasts can get him going. His mind is always on an attractive face or body.
His thanks go out to Bitten Press LLC and the two lovely women who run it, for goading him on, telling him to go for it and he did.
His first short story is The Taming of Molly Jenkins. It’s hot. Is it based on personal experience? All he can answer is, perhaps. The next short story is The Wait, Britt’s undoing. There will be more. He has a paranormal erotic romance series, Desires of Blood which at the moment is four books strong with three more already planned. Stay tuned for some historical, contemporary and fantasy erotica from him. Yes, and he will continue with some great stories including some BDSM adventures. He has two books of erotic poetry published; they have been an amazing success.
Follow Ethan Radcliff as he continues to entertain you. He can write any genre and intends to broaden his scope as an author in 2016.
His thanks go out to all his readers. Without them he’d be still be writing notes in his composition notebook, waiting for that right moment.
You made it happen for him.
“As a writer, and an erotic writer, I try hard to give you heat…but a good storyline….GA is simple…simply a love story and from my point of view. Young or old, male or female, love knows no boundaries, but it also evades some people. Love can hide deep in our hearts…and one day surprise us. Sometimes that can happen too late. I once knew a guy who pined for a lost love for over 40 years…he died never claiming that love or finding a new love. But that story isn’t HEA is it….So my little message today…open your heart…you can love again…I did…nothing is ever truly lost. Licks…now does that sound like a plot for a new story? The mind never stops!!” – Ethan Radcliff
Coming July 15th: Gentlemen’s Agreement by Ethan Radcliff
Click Here To Pre-Order Exclusively Through Book Review Express!
Chad Henderson and Jon Lasiter were best friends and business partners. Their taste in women always caused a problem. They always went after the same woman. Cleo Davenport was older and sophisticated with a bevy of men at her fingertips. She was a high priced Madame. Chad rejected the lifestyle and Jon embraced it. Both wanted the beautiful older woman in their bed. Could they reach an agreement that would suit all their needs?
Click Here To Listen To The First 2 Chapters of Gentleman’s Agreement
Courtesy of Knightly Pleasures – Erotica for Women by Grey Knight – Episode 28
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