Dark Pleasures from Ethan Radcliff

  • Dark Pleasures from Ethan Radcliff
    • Adventure, Book-Review, Erotica, Romance / By Barb / No Comments / 1,716 Viewers

    Book Review Express 5 Star Review Corner brings you

    “Dark Pleasures” from Ethan Radcliff. (review below)



    Gareth de Chaville was a Knights Templar. He devoted his life to fighting for what was just and true. He was twenty-eight years old when he tapped into the powers of bondage, discipline, dominance, submission, and sadomasochism. The lure overwhelmed him. He became a slave to the dark pleasures life had to offer.

    He took what wasn’t rightfully his, a young noble woman named Hannah de Leroux. Love was supposed to be a thing of beauty not of darkness. For Gareth, love became an obsession.

    This twisted love introduced him to sin. Thou shalt not covet a neighbor’s wife; a violation of the tenth commandment, and the one that opened the door to Gareth’s darkest of desires.

    Redemption must be earned and sometimes the innocent become the pawn. Will Gareth lose Hannah to his darkness? Can Gareth escape the temptation of dark pleasures, or will love be his redemption?


    Review By Barbara:

    Once again Ethan Radcliff has written an erotic tale that is very intriguing as well as entertaining. His unique wit and way with the written word are definitely on display in Dark Pleasures.

    The storyline takes place place in France/Jerusalem during the time of the Templar Knights. This was a time of unrest with numerous warring crusades and the Templar Knights were the King’s elite warriors. Knights who were very religious/celibate men who were taught to discipline themselves when they would have impure thoughts. But what happens when a Knight’s thoughts and desires turn dark and the discipline turns to erotic pain? Thus the tale of Gareth and his Dark Pleasures.

    If it were allowed, this would be a 10 star must read for me. The book is Fun, Flirty, and Sexually Erotic with a great storyline to boot! Bravo Mr. Radcliff for a job Very Well Done!

    Meet the Author

    Ethan Radcliff:

    My name is Ethan Radcliff, and I’ve been writing since I was a kid. I love creating and tried my hand at art, not bad, but not good enough. A guy’s gotta eat. Through high school, I wrote erotic stories, kept them in a notebook, and let a few girlfriends read them. I played football, baseball, and ice hockey, but my brain never stopped thinking of sex. I guess most guys think about it all the time. I decided to put my thoughts into prose.

    I had been on Facebook for a while and never did anything interesting until I started to see all the writers. What really caught my attention were the poets, especially some of the ones posting erotic prose. I was intrigued by the men who were writing erotic romance. I knew it was time to get out the old notebook and throw on some poetry. I was surprised at the response.

    I’ve often been asked what inspires my writing. Sometimes it’s a photograph, a sunset or an attractive woman. The jiggle of a full ass or heavy breasts will set my mind in motion. Sometimes, out of nowhere, an idea will come to mind. I record and write down my thoughts constantly.

    I want to thank Bitten Press LLC and the two lovely ladies who run it for encouraging me to go for it and I did. I want to thank Kendall Blackburn Barnett, my amazing personal assistant, for being there for me and helping keep my head on straight. I want to thank all the wonderful people who read what I write. As you know, I’m an elusive fellow, smiles, perhaps that’s part of my charm. Who knows what the future holds?

    My first short story is The Taming of Molly Jenkins. It’s hot. Is it based on personal experience? Don’t we all pull from real life? The next short story is The Wait, Brit’s Undoing…that I hope you’ll enjoy. Since those early works, many more have evolved including a paranormal series, Desires of Blood, DOM, The Collaring of Molly Jenkins, and my novels: A Man of Honor and A Gentleman’s Agreement. Also delve into my poetry. There are four books for you to choose from. Two thousand and seventeen brings more full-length novels, and I will always venture into new erotic genres.

    Ethan Radcliff (licks)


    About thr author : Barb

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