Book Review Express 5 Star Review Corner brings you
“Kincade” Book 1 in the Cerberus MC book series by
Marie James. Book 2 “Kid” has just been released!
I am Emmalyn Mikaelson.
My husband, in a rage, hit me in front of the wrong person. Diego, or Kincaid to most, beat the hell out of him for it. I left with Diego anyway. Even though he could turn on me just like my husband did, I knew I had a better chance of survival with Diego. That was until I realized Kincaid could hurt me so much worse than my husband ever could. Physical pain pales in comparison to troubles of the heart.
I am Diego “Kincaid” Anderson.
She was a waitress at a bar in a bad situation. I brought her to my clubhouse because I knew her husband would kill her if I didn’t. Now she has my protection and that of the Cerberus MC. I never expected her to become something more to me. I was in more trouble than I’ve ever been in before, and that’s saying a lot considering I served eight years in the Marine Corp with Special Forces.
Just WOW! A friend of mine recently got me into reading MC books and I am so very glad she did. This is book 1 of what looks to be an awesome series. Not only do we have bikers but we have bikers that are ex-military and still do recon missions that the government and/or police can’t send the actual troops in to do. Add all that together and you soon realize this book is HOT HOT HOT.
Kincade is the Prez of the Cerberus MC Club. He comes from an abusive home as a child and has grown into a man that protects those who can’t protect themselves. He’s a sexy as hell biker that has a heart of gold and a gentle touch yet deadly when he needs to be (at least that’s how I see him). When Kincade sees a beautiful woman, Emmalyn, getting abused by her spouse at a bar, he can’t help but step in or should I say butt in where maybe he shouldn’t (but he just can’t help himself). However helping her and convincing her she’s going to be safe are two entirely different things. After years of abuse Emmalyn is slow to trust, especially a group of macho “hunk” bikers. Just how far will Kincade go to keep her safe and is Emmalyn willing to take those steps? I Literally Loved this book and you can also pick up book 2 “Kid” in the series today!
2 Thumbs up for an awesome read!