“Treading the Traitor’s Path: Out Bad” by MariaLisa deMora

  • “Treading the Traitor’s Path: Out Bad” by MariaLisa deMora
    • Action, Book-Review, Motorcycle Club, Review, Romance, Suspense / By Barb / No Comments / 1,478 Viewers

    Book Review Express 5 Star Review Corner brings you
    “Treading the Traitor’s Path: Out Bad” book 2 from MariaLisa deMora’s Series “Neither This, Nor That”. (review below)



    Fate is a fickle mistress. No matter a man’s desires, she tends to give with one hand, and take with the other. Good or bad, it doesn’t matter to her, as long as there’s balance.

    Ralph Lewis, otherwise known as Po’Boy, made one decision that changed the trajectory of his entire life. On the losing end of a schoolyard fight, he’d been on his back in the dust, glaring up at the boy who’d flattened him. Had watched unbelieving as that same boy stretched out his hand, offering to help Ralph to his feet. Against every instinct, he had accepted.

    In that instant, he went from friendless pariah to having a partner and ally. For the first time in his life, he was respected… and feared. Po’Boy spent the next decade defending his position at his best friend’s side. Life was good. Fate has a way of taking back the reins, though.

    A long-ago action places him directly in the crosshairs of their enemies, and circumstances force Po’Boy’s hand. Members of motorcycle clubs, men like him who live an outlaw’s life don’t treat kindly with traitors, and in their world, that is what Po’Boy has become.

    With events threatening to pull him away from everything he holds dear, he’s made to walk a careful line to keep those he loves safe. Bound by silence, for his brothers’ sake, he’ll suffer through the worst thing that can happen to a man who lives and breathes the brotherhood. Out Bad.

    Review By Barbara:

    When I first started reading this series I won’t lie I wondered what in the world I’d gotten myself into. By the time I finished book one about Twisted, PoBoy and Penny I was hooked.

    May I say that Treading the Traitor’s Path: Out Bad was absolutely amazing. Getting to the nuts and bolts of PoBoy’s life was one thrilling adventure. While I realize it may not be everyone’s cup of tea I pray they give the chance all the way to the end. Why? Because the love PoBoy has for his best friend and his club is a phenomenal. But watching the story unfold between himself, Crissy and Ty is nothing short breathtaking. The lengths these men will go for their clubs and the loves of their lives is priceless.

    The story is rough, erotic and at times downright raunchy but ohhhh so worth it. 2 Thumbs Up for a great book and series and this reader is anxiously awaiting book 3. Just awesome!!!!

    Review By Aundrea:

    This is not for the faint of heart. The love that poboy has to share is a strong one. He fights with a fierceNess that cannot be explained. Growing up in an abusive relationship, has not dragged him down. His best friend has his back in everything. Once he finds Criss his life gets better. Then add Wrench and his life is complete. The three of them make a loving trio, the which makes for a good story.

    Meet the Author

    MariaLisa deMora:
    Raised in the south, MariaLisa learned about the magic of books at an early age. Every summer, she would spend hours in the local library, devouring books of every genre. Self-described as a book-a-holic, she says “I’ve always loved to read, but then I discovered writing, and found I adored that, too. For reading…if nothing else is available, I’ve been known to read the back of the cereal box.”

    Oatmeal is her comfort food. She hates gardening but loves flowers; not cut arrangements, but in the wild, outside. She has a deep and abiding respect for our military. Her dad was career Air Force and parades make her cry. Walking Dead is about the only TV she watches anymore, don’t bother her on Walking Dead night, when she’s been known to shout, “Go Team Darryl!” Yes, she’s still sad about Firefly.

    She’s a hockey fan, like … a serious hockey fan. She’s loyal to the Edmonton Oilers, but asks that we don’t judge her about that. She also likes the Nashville Predators and Ottawa Senators. The local ECHL team, the Fort Wayne Komets, are a fav of hers, and she has season tickets. She’ll also generally try to hit the road games within a hundred-mile radius.

    She’s a wanna-be hiker, working on a “bucket list” of hikes like Knobstone (completed in four days mid-April 2014 – whoooo!), sectioning parts of the AT, and now and then looking west towards PCT.

    She embraces her inner geek; MariaLisa has been working in the tech field for a couple decades. A sometime PC gamer, she still plays EverQuest after all these years. She says, “What can I say, I’m loyal (see above, I’m an Oilers fan LOL). Yes, I’ve heard of WoW, and have a coupla toons there, too.”

    On music, she says, “I love music of nearly any genre — jazz, country, rock, alt rock, metal, classical, bluegrass, rap, hip hop…you name it, I listen to it. I can often be seen dancing through the house in the early mornings. But I really, REALLY love live music. My favorite thing with music is seeing bands in small, dive bars [read: small, intimate venues]. If said bar [venue] has a good selection of premium tequila, then that’s a plus!”

    Her short bio reads, “Plate-spinner / cat herder at work; totally geeked author; single mom in the thick of autism at home; hockey freak; wanna-be hiker; usta-be/on-again EQ gamer.”
    You can stalk Ms. Lewis on:


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    About thr author : Barb

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